Starting up again in 2016
I had quit my job in November of 2014 with the intention of spending time freelancing and creating a startup. That did not happen. Around the time I made the decision to quit, a former client of mine asked me to join them as a consultant acting as their interim controller. It is now February 2016 and I'm still there. I have also lined up my next job back in Canada to start in September.
So obviously the blogging full time and startup idea is not flying. This is for various reasons. I do have a family, and my wife does not work full-time or make enough to support us, so I remain the main breadwinner.
That doesn't mean I have given up on the whole thing. Seth Godin in Tim Ferriss' podcast suggests that everyone should blog and publish. Write to come up with original ideas and publish to maintain intellectual integrity, i.e., if you contradict yourself, there is no hiding from it. Seth also recommends writing, even poorly, until you start writing not so poorly.
So no guarantees that I will have anything interesting or original to say for the first little while (or ever) but one must start. And feel free to call me out on any intellectual dishonesty.
Till next time,
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